Reviews OWE & Fringe Published 22 September 2014

Price of Money

The Albany ⋄ 16th - 20th September 2014


Billy Barrett

Fresh from wading into just about the broadest, most contentious and complex field imaginable in its last show – gender and sexuality, for Merry Christmas, Ms Meadows – Belarus Free Theatre turns to an equally ambitious, all-pervasive area here: money.

Loosely structured around Aristophanes’ 408 BC satire Plutus, director Vladimir Shcherban interweaves documentary material, various literary sources and the experiences of his half Belarusian, half-British ensemble of making ends meet in two vastly different economic systems. The result is an impassioned, tightly structured piece with an urgent – if not exactly new – attack on inequality and excess under post-crash late capitalism.

Coke-snorting, street-walking and mass-murder/ suicide/ horse-shooting (remember Christopher Foster?) all play a part in this boom and bust fable, as the opulent set – including chandelier and grand piano – is gradually torn apart by the bilingual, ball-gown and tux-clad cast. The design has an almost hallucinogenic visual imagination, gymnastically transforming these pieces into a prison cell for one monologue, a brothel for another and, of course, classical Athens. One particularly striking sequence features a Greek Goddess as an ageing dominatrix, surrounded by barking dogs in leather gimp masks.

Early in the piece, performers present scraps of critical responses to previous productions, including the star-rating – hinting at a potentially interesting exploration of the worth placed on theatre in an art-as-commodity, star-ratings-as-currency economy. This is quickly dropped, but a deeper focus on the relationship between theatre and money could have been fascinating – particularly coming from a company who work for free in their native Belarus, but have had to adapt their practice and finance model here.

“Too many issues, not enough drama,” deemed Lyn Gardner (or at least the sub writing her headline) in the three-star review of Ms Meadows that’s read out here. That’s a little true of this follow-up too – the subject matter is too sprawling to skewer entirely successfully, and the climax – a lengthy reading from Stephane Hessel’s Occupy-inspiring tract Get Outraged! teeters into dry didacticism, the exact opposite of the rabble-rousing desired. Another review bemoans the difficulties of switching between reading the subtitles and watching the cast – not normally such a problem, but here the archaic translation of Aristophanes can be a little hard to penetrate, making it disorienting for those unfamiliar with the original text, .

But there’s enough contemporary context woven around this narrative, and a compelling injection of optimism amidst the crisis. Price of Money might not deliver its tongue-in-cheek promise to make you rich, but it’s certainly a powerful call to arms to take something back from those who are.


Billy Barrett

Billy is a third year English & Theatre student at Warwick University. Between reviewing and studying he writes, directs and acts in theatre.

Price of Money Show Info

Produced by Belarus Free Theatre

Directed by Vladimir Shcherban




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