Reviews OWE & Fringe Published 11 June 2015

d(ARE) / Here Be Lions

The Print Room ⋄ 9th-27th June 2015

All about the money.

Andrew Haydon

This review has been removed.

Andrew Haydon

Andrew Haydon was a freelance theatre critic (FT, Guardian, Time Out, etc.). He was also the editor of the CultureWars theatre section between 2000-2010, where he discovered exciting new theatre thinkers, including Andy Field, Matt Trueman and Miriam Gillinson. Then he went to Berlin for a while. Now he seems to be back for a bit. His blog here:

d(ARE) / Here Be Lions Show Info

Written by Sandrine Buring, Stéphane Olry, and La Revue Éclair, text translated by Neil Bartlett



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