31 October 2016

The Legacy Tapes: Matt Fenton

By Tim Bano

Matt Fenton, artistic director and chief executive of Contact in Manchester, talks to Rebecca Atkinson-Lord about legacy and how to leave something behind in the ephemeral world of theatre. Matt and Rebecca discuss the importance of young people in decision making processes and whether informed people always make informed decisions.

12 September 2016

The Legacy Tapes: John McGrath

By Tim Bano

Rebecca Atkinson-Lord talks to artistic directors about the idea of legacy and leaving a permanent mark in the ephemeral world of theatre. In this episode, Rebecca speaks to John McGrath, artistic director of the Manchester International Festival, about networks, ethics and nationality.  

23 May 2016

The Legacy Tapes: Alan Lane

By Tim Bano

The first in a series of interviews with artistic directors about the idea of legacy and leaving something behind in the ephemeral world of theatre.

5 May 2016

X: Ground Control To Major Tim

By Tim Bano

This transmission was found on a discarded USB stick outside the Royal Court Theatre in Sloane Square. Its datestamp is 04.05.2066. It appears to document the system failure of a small space shuttle headed for Pluto and the deranged ramblings of the shuttle’s pilot Major Tim Bano. The USB stick’s provenance is unknown. Solve for X.  

29 September 2015

The Encounter: A Review

By Tim Bano

Tim Bano is watching a performance of The Encounter by Simon McBurney and Complicite, part of the Edinburgh International Festival 2015. Tim Bano is also sitting in his bedroom two weeks later. The two of him discusses what he is watching and has watched. Please listen through headphones and at a decent volume. The Encounter is touring: Warwick Arts … Continue reading The Encounter: A Review

28 August 2015

Cubs #10: The Solid Life of Sugar Water

By Annegret Märten

  The last cub mini-episode of this month and we sat with down with Graeae theatre company’s Amit Sharma and performer Arthur Hughes to talk about Jack Thorne’s new play The Solid Life of Sugar Water which is on at the Pleasance. Podcasts produced by Tim Bano and Annegret Märten.