Features Artist-in-Residence Published 30 April 2012

Thick Skull

A hundred word microplay on masculinity, virarchy and burgers.

Kicking K

A fast food table.


FATHER: &&& Get your homework out.
SON: In Uberburger?
FATHER: Too much mess at home trust me.


Son covers table with schoolwork. Father eats.


SON: Just don’t get sauce on it or something.
FATHER: They don’t care.
SON: Mr. Myers would.
FATHER: If he cut a mark ’cause of a little stain…


FATHER makes mark on schoolbook.


SON: Dad!
FATHER: I’ll come down and kick him shitless.
Tell him that. In assembly.
SON: I can’t can I.


Son concentrates on page.


SON: Mum OK?
FATHER: ‘Course. Fine.
Soon as she gets it into her thick skull she can’t tell me how to raise my son.
I love you boy.


Kicking K is a contributor to Exeunt Magazine


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