The discussion concludes with an exploration of aesthetics and set design in European theatre; and questions about what it will take for the UK to change.
9 April 2020
A European Theatre Dialogue: Directors, Text and Dramaturgy
By Natasha Tripney
The conversation continues, as a group of directors, dramaturgs and critics discuss how European theatre practitioners approach text.
8 April 2020
A European Theatre Dialogue: Repertory Theatre and the Power of the Ensemble
By Natasha Tripney
Directors, dramaturgs and critics discuss how the European repertory model empowers actors and influences the work that gets made.
2 April 2020
A Virtual Theatre Book Group
By Exeunt Staff
Exeunt writers talk about the theatre-related books that they’ve been turning to for comfort, inspiration and new ideas.
30 March 2020
The paradoxes of trying to make art during a pandemic
By Alice Saville
Alice Saville writes on how coronavirus offers theatre an opportunity to rethink what ‘being in a room together’ really means.
19 March 2020
Livestreaming Your Art
By Jason Crouch
Jason Crouch walks you through some of the potential issues and shining opportunities involved in streaming performances.
19 March 2020
Covid-19 Resources for UK Theatre
By Exeunt Staff
An evolving collection of advice, resources and opportunities for people who work in theatre and are affected by coronavirus.
11 March 2020
Breakfast on Pluto: Why are theatres still slipping up on trans representation?
By Robin Craig
After cis actors were cast in trans roles in ‘Breakfast on Pluto’ and ‘Bring it On’, Robin Craig asks why theatres keep failing queer audiences.
2 March 2020
Not My Story
By Hailey Bachrach
Hailey Bachrach spots a trend: female characters breaking the fourth wall to rail against their limited options.
29 February 2020
The costly stage magic of Caryl Churchill
By Alice Saville
With both ‘Far Away’ and ‘A Number’ on in London, now’s your moment to develop a Caryl Churchill obsession. Alice Saville writes on two plays that are designed to mesmerise.
25 February 2020
Roundtable: Yolanda Bonnell requested that only people of colour review her work. Why the outcry?
By Exeunt Staff
Naomi Obeng assembles a group of artists, critics and academics to respond to Yolanda Bonnell’s request, and the Guardian article that followed.
18 February 2020
Tim Cowbury and Mark Maughan: “It’s a completely fucked system”
By Rosemary Waugh
The Claim is a Kafka-esque dive into the UK’s asylum system. Here, its creators talk bureaucracy, funding, and making political theatre without the capital ‘P’.
14 February 2020
Temi Wilkey: “It feels like a bit of a reckoning”
By Nkenna Akunna
Playwrights Nkenna Akunna and Temi Wilkey catch up, and talk ‘The High Table’, internalised homophobia, and what it’s like to want a play that’s made for you.
10 February 2020
A Call to Critique
By Bella Todd
Bella Todd writes on why artists with learning disabilities are ready for critical engagement: it’s time for critics to catch up.
5 February 2020
The Problematised Populism of MONA FOMA
By Alice Saville
Tasmania’s triumphantly weird arts festival lures in audiences with magic, sweat and glitter.