Wambui Hardcastle interviews the founder of Artistic Directors of the Future about her mission to change who gets to lead the UK’s theatre buildings and companies.
Wambui Hardcastle
Articles by Wambui Hardcastle
13 October 2020
Review: On The Line, Northumbria University
By Wambui Hardcastle
Bridging the gap: Wambui Hardcastle writes about an online showcase of work by graduating Northumbria University students.
18 September 2020
Reviews • Reviews
Review: User Not Found by Dante or Die
By Wambui Hardcastle
Digital shadows: Wambui Hardcastle encounters a video podcast about online afterlives that you can watch on your mobile phone.
24 August 2020
Review: The House Never Wins by Kill the Cat Theatre
By Wambui Hardcastle
Pyrrhic victories: Wambui Hardcastle plays an interactive online Blackjack game that decides the planet’s future.
28 April 2020
Reviews • Imaginary Reviews
Imaginary Review: For the Love of it All
By Wambui Hardcastle
The series continues with Wambui Hardcastle’s spirit-lifting show about love, unfolding in Byker’s grass ampitheatre.